Precision Agriculture
Agrimapic Services UAV platforms fill a gap between manned aerial inspections and traditional fieldwork. Visible, NIR and NDVI aerial data can produce precision maps to aid growers in determining crop stress levels, drought indicators, temperature effects, water fertilizer variation and more.
Agrimapic Services UAV platforms represent a platform from which growers can determine the suitability of croplands and detect diseases and other stress-related conditions. Specific spectral data gives information in order to rapidly survey the land below. The data is immediately actionable, telling growers overall vegetative health, where and when to plant their valuable crop and irrigation and water management.
Agrimapic Services UAV platforms provide Multispectral Agriculture scouting which is done with Infrared or Near Infrared imagery. Near Infrared Imagery (NIR) develops what are known as NDVI or NDWI maps. NDVI stands for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and it is a scoring system based on a formula that helps determine a crop’s health.
Benefits include:
Increasing crop yield
Maximizing the effectiveness of growing techniques
Reducing fertilizer use and water waste
Minimizing pesticide and herbicide treatment
Decreasing the carbon footprint
Rather than missing a lot of problem areas by conventional field walking, our platforms give a grower or crop scout an idea of where major issues in the field are located.

Natural Resources Management
Until now, methods of surveying, detecting, and locating leaks in the oil and gas fields have been inefficient and costly to conduct. Workers have risked their lives to climb high-rising stacks and inspections have caused lengthy activity shutdowns.
Drones are a cost effective and safe solution to all of these problems. Drones can help you take your business to the next level with the efficiency, mobility and speed of drones designed for commercial use and the perfect sensor package. Your business will improve on safety, it can help you move into the next generation of inspections in the oil and gas industry.
Drones have become the most economical type of platform for the inspection of the thousands of miles of pipelines transporting oil and gas around the world. These infrastructures must constantly be monitored to reduce the potential for undetected leaks, which in the past have caused life threatening fires and explosions. The temperature differences between fluid and soil mean that oil and gas leaks show up well in thermal imaging. Operators can fly drones and hover at low altitudes over the pipelines with special cameras and sensors, sending information to the assessor showing the pipe’s condition.
Working offshore only adds to the intricacy of inspecting oil platforms, and puts workers at a higher risk. Lengthy shutdowns can damage efficiency and operations are forced to go offline. Transitioning your business from the traditional methods to using drones can help minimize these complications. Drones can fly within meters of the offshore platform whilst sending real-time information to the operator on the rig. HD video and still imagery can be provided from all angles - vital information that can be used to assess and plan necessary work in advance.
The highly sensitive optical sensors that are available with drones can help monitor gas emissions over critical sites and large areas that are otherwise difficult to cover. They make surveying, identifying and correcting leaks a manageable task and with nearly 500,000 hydraulically fractured gas wells across the U.S., this task is critical. Drones help reduce the cost of carrying out such inspections and allow safe 3D mapping of drill sites, gas pipelines, landfills and other municipal operations,

Land Survey & GIS
Aerial Mapping Solutions
Argimapic mapping drones are capable of capturing and converting thousands of aerial images into geo-referenced 2D mosaics, 3D surface models & point clouds, down to an absolute accuracy of just few centimeters.
How it works
Our drones are purpose-built to survey small to large areas and provide geo-referenced, high resolution imagery from low altitude not available from conventional aircraft. Using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, they are programmed to follow GPS-guided flight paths to automatically capture the required imagery. The data from each flight is recorded, allowing us to also repeat the flight at later intervals to create time-lapse photography.
Our Capabilities
Geo-referenced orthomosaics
Photogrammetry (measurement)
Point cloud generation (3D modelling)
Digital surface modelling (DSM)
Digital terrain modelling (DTM)
Construction progress photography
Volumetric and stockpile analysis
Environmental impact assessments
Watershed analysis
Counting and spotting
Multispectral imagery and vegetation indices
Thermographic surveys

The recent advent of professional remote-controlled filming technology provides the ability to show viewers remarkably smooth ultra high-definition aerial footage from a perspective that has never been seen before. Companies around the world are starting to take advantage of this, and now Aerial Video filming is used in many applications both by video production experts and professionals from other industries.
UAVs are particularly suitable for Aerial Video applications due to their numerous advantages such as versatility and mobility, quiet and safe operations.
Our unmanned aerial platforms coupled experienced photographers, are widely used for aerial video & photography. Applications include cartography, photogrammetric surveys, land-use planning, archaeology, movie and artistic projects, environmental studies, surveillance, commercial advertising, property analysis, agriculture and many other uses.
Due to our System Integration capabilities our UAVs offer a wide variety of payload options (cameras on-board) choices that would satisfy requirements of any photo or video professional.